Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Special Weekend

This year, my birthday and Father's Day are on the same day. So, Papi decided we should celebrate Father's Day on Saturday and my birthday on Sunday. I wasn't feeling too well on Saturday, so we took it easy and hung out around home. We did give Papi the cards and crafts the kids had made for him, and had a special steak dinner.

Sunday, I was feeling much better, and we were able to go to church in the morning and to the pool in the afternoon. Papi and the kids gave me gifts (Super Mario Brothers Wii game, pajamas, and a lavender clematis for the front yard.) We had birthday pancakes and baked fish for dinner. The kids made the biscuits for strawberry shortcake for dessert. It's been a great birthday!


The boys were both born at 36 weeks and 3 days, and even though JA didn't come until 39 weeks, I was pretty sure that this little girl would be born around the same time as the boys. Well, wouldn't you know, she's decided to stay put awhile longer. Tomorrow I'll be 37 weeks and she'll be considered full term. That means no car-seat test, no car bed, and no need for special consideration as a pre-term baby. However, I am VERY ready for her to come and join our family. The crib, bassinet, baby swing, and infant car seat are all ready to go. The newborn clothes and diapers are washed, folded, and put away. So, as far as I'm concerned, she can come anytime now and that will be just perfect. At least, there's an end date in sight, so I only have to wait 2 more weeks at most. Any guesses on when she'll decide to be born, between now and July 2nd? There's not a prize for guessing correctly, but it'd be fun to get a poll going. :)

Here I am at 36 weeks.