Last month I filled you in a bit on JL and our journey to combat reflux. Well, she has gained 2 pounds in the past 2 months! That's after 2 months of no weight gain whatsoever. Her reflux has reduced significantly, to the point that she was able to stop her medications 3 weeks ago, and now only spits up a few times per week. She is such a happy baby now, crying only for diaper changes or when she wakes up at night. It truly is a dramatic change. I am so very thankful to God for these answered prayers and his care for this precious little one.
Highlights from the past month: she's eating more solid foods, began to army crawl, move to a seated position, crawl on hands & knees, pulled to standing, and got her 1st tooth.
JA inroducing JL to "Julia" with JMC and "Rana Verde" helping. |
JL searching through her toy box. |
She wasn't to sure about the small pieces of peach, but once mixed in to the pureed peach baby food, she loved it. |
The kids got out the Weebles for JL to play with. She loved them! |
The 1st time she pulled up to standing. |