Saturday, April 26, 2014


No, it's not his birthday yet, but JMC has really been growing lately. He has a great imagination, daily deciding if he is a "minja" (it's his way of saying ninja), Superman, Robin (JT is usually Batman), or some other fun character. He also talks about Rana Verde Grande as if she were real. For example, it's often her fault for keeping him awake at night. :)  He is gaining a voice of his own and doesn't let his older siblings boss him around (as much), and is also very protective of JL. Despite all of this growing up, he still enjoys hugs & cuddles, and my kisses still heal his bumps & bruises. I know it won't last for much longer, so I'm really trying to enjoy this time.

Similar to Rana Verde Grande (Big Green Frog), so named because he had a small toy frog at one point.

"Es arte." (It's art.)

The full effect :)

Relaxing with Papi watching sports on TV.

Happy to help choose a winner in a Lilla Rose giveaway I did

Easter weekend

We spent Easter weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's because it coincided with the soccer game JT & Papi had tickets for. It was a fun weekend, with lots of activity. Papi and Uncle A. played golf, all the girls went to a craft exchange, and we celebrated Easter. Plus, there was birthday fun for JT.

JT Turns 7!

JT had his 7th birthday last week! We celebrated as a family and then went to Grandma & Grandpa's house for the weekend. JT thought it was special to have a birthday weekend. We had birthday pancakes, gifts,  Chuck E. Cheese, and cake on his birthday. Then, the next day we had his birthday dinner (GF spaghetti & meatballs), and then the following day was the soccer game.

1st gift - tickets to a Chicago Fire game

2nd gift - his own Bible

Papi sorting tokens for equitable distribution. :)

JL enjoyed Chuck E. Cheese, too. 

This game was a hit - automatic water guns that you aim at a target.

JMC & Papi

JMC & Papi (Papi worked the pedals, and helped JMC with the steering wheel)

JA could steer by herself, but I worked the gas pedal for her.

JMC didn't like skee ball too much

JT loved it though! 
 At the Chicago Fire game!

JT & Papi went to the game.

Birthday pictures

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Grandpa sent some pics of JA when she was the same age JL is now.

10 months

JL will be 10 months this weekend! We'll be busy visiting family & celebrating JT's birthday, so I'm posting a little early.

She pulls up to standing now.

We have stuck with Duplo Legos, so they'r safe for everyone, except when you step on them. :)

Trying to escape the playpen

She kept pulling down books from the shelf that was here, so we replaced it and moved in her things.

She's put her finger to her mouth frequently lately.

Walking along the outside of the playpen

This whole "cruising" thing is quite new; just in the last week or so. In fact, the older 3 are still surprised when they see her standing. :) Other new things this month: she wants to feed herself, and has begun with baby puffs, "Baby Mum Mum's", crushed rice Chex, rice, and steamed zucchini. Rice noodles & sweet potato didn't go over well, as they are difficult to pick up.