Tuesday, July 15, 2014

4 = fishing

In our family, turning 4 years old is a really big deal because that is when you are old enough to learn how to fish. Fishing is something fun to do with Papi, and if you get really good at it, you can even catch dinner like JA did when we went camping. JT gave his old fishing pole to JMC for his birthday, and JMC has been patiently waiting for his first opportunity to use it. Well, this past weekend, Papi woke him up early, and off they went. It rained off and on, even with a couple of thunderstorms, and they stood under a shelter for awhile, but he still came back beaming and talking up a storm about how much fun he had. Because he knows me so well, Papi even charged up the camera and took it along. :)

His 1st fish! (and a mouthful of Swedish Fish candy!)

2nd fish

He looks so big in this picture!

It's difficult to tell, but this is when the rain began picking up. 

JMC ended up catching 3 fish altogether. When they came home, they were absolutely soaked through due to the heavy rain.

Friday, July 11, 2014

4th of July

We visited Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle A. for the 4th of July, and were surprised with a visit from Uncle B. as well. The town Mami grew up in was having its annual celebration, so we spent an afternoon there, playing in the park, listening to a band, eating tacos, and walking through the carnival.

Skeeball was the least expensive carnival game, so we gave it a try.

JMC was letting the water droplets land on his head.

JA received a manicure by a young girl who's youth group is raising money for a mission trip
 We were able to visit Great Grandma R. Everyone seemed happy that we visited.
Grandma, Grandma R., Uncle B., and the kids.
 We spent an afternoon at Lake Michigan as well. It was so relaxing to have a picnic and then walk along the beach. Unfortunately, all of the bathrooms along the beach walkway were closed. :(

Thursday, July 3, 2014

And even more birthday

Is it beginning to feel like the Berenstein Bears book, "Too Much Birthday"? Well, this is the last one for a couple of months. :)

JMC turned 4 a few days ago. We celebrated as a family, and had a great day. He wanted oatmeal for breakfast and dinner, but we went with just for breakfast. We had birthday pancakes for lunch, because Papi had to be at church to run the sound system by 7:30 that morning, and we're not early morning people. :) We wen swimming in the afternoon, and then, since JMC had no ideas other than oatmeal for dinner, we had pork ribs. He loved them, as did everyone else. Of course, that was all followed with a frog birthday cake.

More birthday fun

At home with the family:

And, at her party a few days later: