Friday, June 27, 2014

June - a month of celebration

June is JT's favorite month. His birthday is in April, so why June? Well, June has 4 celebrations in it for our family - Father's Day, my birthday, JL's birthday, and JMC's birthday. I was so excited to share with you the pictures of JL's birthday (and  know I promised some from her party that I still have to post) that I forgot to share about my birthday. I had a great day, as always, Papi and the kids made sure I felt special and celebrated.

Papi made the birthday pancakes, and he forgot that I turned a year older! I appreciated the oversight. :)

JL got 11 meses (months) for her breakfast. JT thought it was hilarious that she received two #1's and then a few days later on her birthday would only receive one #1. :)

We walked a trail I had been wanting to explore. Every so often there was a bridge going over a stream or a pond. It was beautiful, and HOT

Someone was able to nap during our walk. :)

Along the trail there were exercise stations with quotes.

JT wanted a picture of this one.

The kids played in the sprayground after our hour long walk. Then, they were too tired and hungry to be happy in a picture. :)

My Lilla Rose T-shirt arrived on my birthday. 

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