JT celebrated his 8th birthday today. We all enjoyed a wonderful time together, even if Papi kept insisting the celebration was in honor of his being off work. :)
Our birthday celebrations have some consistency to them. Papi takes the day off work (yes, this uses up a full week of his vacation time each year, but it truly is worth it.) Breakfast always includes pancakes that make in the shape of each person's age. When it's your birthday, you get you new age in pancake numbers. The rest of the day is planned (to some extent) by the birthday boy/girl, unless they are too young, and then Papi & I plan the day.
The activity of the day was to play min-golf, however when we got to the park, mini-golf wasn't open. So we played soccer (JT & I against Papi and JMC) while the girls walked around the field picking flowers. The Papi & JT played some more soccer and practiced some new skills while I took JA, JMC, & JL to the park. Then all 4 kids plaed hide-and-seek for a bit. We had a delicious lunch at a local vegan/gluten free bakery/restaurant and then came home for the little ones to nap.
Opening birthday cards. JA made him a card from herself, as well as from JMC & JL. He also received cards in the mail. |
Papi pretending to swipe JT's birthday money. |
I baked JT's requested chocolate birthday cake, while Papi took JT for birthday pictures and to run some errands. When they got back, we headed back to the park for mini-golf. Then home for spaghetti and meatballs with melted (dairy free) cheese, and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. Such a fun day! Even JMC (4 years old) kept thanking JT for his wonderful birthday fun choices. :)
JMC - big enough for a real min-golf club. |
JT looks so grown up! |
Someone REALLY enjoyed the cake. :) |
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