Monday, October 10, 2011

A Baby Story

As we were waiting for the pumpkin pie to cool last night, I was thinking about this time 7 years ago. 

I sent Juan off to work 3rd shift, with the promise that I would call once contractions were 20 minutes apart.  I was sure this was false labor, so I didn't mention that contractions were already 15 minutes apart, and had been for a few hours.  I called the nurse line throughout the night and Juan kept calling me to check in.  Around 3am I must have sounded different on the phone, because he decided to come home.  Good thing he did because by the time he got there, contractions were 4-6 minutes apart.  We headed to the hospital at 6am (contractions were 2 minutes apart when we got there!), and JA was born that afternoon at 3:52. 

What a marvelous moment!  We believe life begins at conception, so I already considered myself a mom, but it is such a glorious moment when you meet your baby face-to-face.

I have been so incredibly blessed to be JA's mami.  I have learned a lot from her; about myself, about the kind of person I want to be, and about complete faith in God. 

Happy Birthday, JA!

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